When people say it gets hot in Dubai, the middle east, they mean it. The weather has been extremely pleasant since I arrived on March 1. Most days, I have needed to wear a sweater or layer my outfit most days because I get chilled or cold. How bad can this be ? Infact, a few days last week it was warmer in Salt Lake City than it was in Dubai.
The talk among the locals say the weather has been unseasonably cool and nice .....until this past week. Everyone kept saying, "it will change over night" and it has.
Today it was only 110 degrees, a couple days ago 114 degrees and if you look at the extended forecast it will be in the 100's 's from now until September or October. To keep running outside we need to be up before 5:00 A.M. or run after 10:00 P.M. because the heat and sun are so intense. I have been told it can top out at @ 120 -130 degrees during the months of July and August and that would be a good temperature day.
Okay - that is hot !
You really could fry an egg on side walk with heat like that. Have you heard that before and always wanted to try it ? My grandfather used to always say, "it is so hot you could fry an egg outside today". Maybe I see if it is true and and let you know how it works out.
In Utah, during the summer, the days may be hot but when the sun goes down it gets cooler, a lot more comfortable. In Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, nights do not cool off that much and the humidity seems to rise and get worse. Pony tails it is ....frizzy, curly hair, so be it ....I have to keep telling myself to just let the idea of my hair being straight go and not worry about it.
Dubai becomes a ghost town during the months of June, July and August. A big majority of the expatriates from all over the world leave the United Arab Emirates and go home for the summer. With 80 percent of the United Arab Emirate's population being expats that can be significant. Many of the friends I have made here in Dubai, all have plans to leave and be in their home country for extended stays. Farewell and going away parties are planned or being planned in the future. It is strange how everyone leaves at the same time and their lives here in Dubai are put on hold for three months until they come back. I as well am going home for the entire month of June, but will be back in July just in time for the most intense heat of the summer.
I can hardly wait !
Below is the five day forecast from the weather ticker on my laptop. It will be cooler on Friday at only 105 degrees. Yippee !
The talk among the locals say the weather has been unseasonably cool and nice .....until this past week. Everyone kept saying, "it will change over night" and it has.
Today it was only 110 degrees, a couple days ago 114 degrees and if you look at the extended forecast it will be in the 100's 's from now until September or October. To keep running outside we need to be up before 5:00 A.M. or run after 10:00 P.M. because the heat and sun are so intense. I have been told it can top out at @ 120 -130 degrees during the months of July and August and that would be a good temperature day.
Okay - that is hot !
You really could fry an egg on side walk with heat like that. Have you heard that before and always wanted to try it ? My grandfather used to always say, "it is so hot you could fry an egg outside today". Maybe I see if it is true and and let you know how it works out.
In Utah, during the summer, the days may be hot but when the sun goes down it gets cooler, a lot more comfortable. In Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, nights do not cool off that much and the humidity seems to rise and get worse. Pony tails it is ....frizzy, curly hair, so be it ....I have to keep telling myself to just let the idea of my hair being straight go and not worry about it.
Dubai becomes a ghost town during the months of June, July and August. A big majority of the expatriates from all over the world leave the United Arab Emirates and go home for the summer. With 80 percent of the United Arab Emirate's population being expats that can be significant. Many of the friends I have made here in Dubai, all have plans to leave and be in their home country for extended stays. Farewell and going away parties are planned or being planned in the future. It is strange how everyone leaves at the same time and their lives here in Dubai are put on hold for three months until they come back. I as well am going home for the entire month of June, but will be back in July just in time for the most intense heat of the summer.
I can hardly wait !
Below is the five day forecast from the weather ticker on my laptop. It will be cooler on Friday at only 105 degrees. Yippee !
TomorrowMay 11 | SaturdayMay 12 | SundayMay 13 | MondayMay 14 | TuesdayMay 15 |
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