Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dressing Up Is Just Not For Kids

I hope I never grow up.

It is said that holidays are for kids. If that is the case ...I must be the biggest kid around..

Halloween time is a family favorite and wearing costumes is not just for kids. Let me repeat...not just for kids.

Christmas will always be the #1 holiday, but Halloween and the 4th of July are very close seconds. The best thing about Halloween and the 4th of  July - there is no gift giving, just a lot of fun.

Jeff and I have hosted a family Halloween party at the Herr haunted house for years, but because of our temporary move to Dubai, we really did not think there would be an annual family Halloween party this year. There was saddness :(.

But fortunately, as luck turned out, I was back in Utah in October and with help from my daughters and their spouses we pulled off the annual party (thank you Shawn for staying up late one night and helping me stretch webs from one end of the ceiling to the other and Ansley for making and sending out the very scary invitations).

Yes, the costumes below were made by my nephew and his wife. Pretty amazing aren't they?

There is much anticipation on what everyone will come as from one year to the next and sometimes the costume planning starts the day after the family Halloween party is over. No leaking of ideas or telling what someone is thinking of coming as the next year is is a secret. The costumes get better and better every year.

Even my parents and an aunt who is dressed below as Carmen Miranda, are in their eighties, dress up and anticipates the grand prize to be awarded.

With the fog machine going, the house decked out in scary webs, lights dimmed, the fun begins and each time the door bells rings we all stop to see what or who enters through the door. We eat the traditional chili along with many other ghoulish food items, while enjoying halloween games and doing the limbo to Halloween music. Doing the limbo with costumes on is a special treat. Everyone needs to try it once in their lives. I am always amazed at how limber my family and extended family can be ...especially on Halloween night. They all seem to be unusually limber one night out of the entire year and some of them bend like pretzels - backwards.

Anticipation grows and the judges finally arrive. One at a time the costumed family members strut there stuff in front of the judges - then it happens, first, second and third place are awarded.  Not everyone can win - maybe next year !?

The party has expanded beyond family members to include non family members alike. There have been years when I don't even know some of the people at the party and I have to keep asking, "who is that", but we welcome anyone to come and have scary fun with us. The more the merrier or should I say scarier....One condition they have to wear a costume.

I am so happy that I have a family that loves to play and have fun. Thanks for being great sports and let the planning begin for next years costumes!

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