Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dubai Loves Candy and Sweets

You cannot avoid it... it is everywhere ....Candy and sweets.
Dubai loves candy, pastries, and especially chocolate. There is store after store that offer some sort of pastry, candy, cookies (my favorite) or chocolate. I love chocolate, you can never have enough of it and it certainly makes anything taste better, but I think I have met my quota here.

How could anyone resist the chocolate cake in the picture below from Circle Cafe. The waiter asked, " would you like a piece of the four layer chocolate cake, the whipped cream frosting is low fat ?" Well then, Taeler and I better have a piece. Then he asked, "should I bring it out after you eat your meal ?" Heck no, please bring it as fast as you can slice off a piece - two forks please.
Dining out in Dubai, dessert first then your meal. Scrumptious.

We recently visited the downtown area of the city called Bur Dubai and were so surprised to see that every other store on this specific street offered bins of candy like the ones shown in the picture below ( the picture only shows one small section of candy - there was more, believe it or not ).

What are they going to do with all that candy? It makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it.

Dubai could be a dental paradise !
We asked one of the the Indian stores owners if there was some significance for all the bins of candy but neither one of them could speak good enough English for us to successfully communicate.

We are going to have to dig deeper and find out what is behind the infatuation with candy and sweets. One of them just kept pointing at the candy and saying, " buy more - 20 dirhams". ( @ 5.00 US dollars)

The largest candy store in the world is located at the Dubai Mall, called... here it comes ...."Candylicious" ! It is true - that is really the stores name. There is so much candy and different varieties of sweets in the store, you walk away feeling overwhelmed or extremely sad that you could not sample everything or make a decision on what you wanted to buy.

Candylicious provides a very large disclaimer in the front of their store for everyone to make note as they enter - "If you break, tear, open or if your child eats or licks it...consider the item purchased". What if an adult eats or licks the item, are we exempt from the store rules ?

I can only imagine the problems they have had with sampling in this ridiculously large candy store. I certainly felt like licking and eating a few things myself, but did all I could to practice self control.
Advertisements, ads and displays for candy, sweets, pastries and chocolate are abundant. The advertisers certainly know how to reel you in, influencing you to buy these stores scrumptious goods.

When I first arrived in Dubai, I saw so many ads for the chocolate company "Galaxy" I could not wait until I tried it out for myself.  Good job advertisers, it worked !

The mannequin below was in the display window of a different candy store in the Emirates Mall, called "Candelite".  Don't you love the names of these stores? So creative...the mannequin was dressed head to toe with candy and we could not resist taking a picture. So sweet!
If you have not had your fill of candy or sweets from the all the stores, every so many feet in all the malls and outlets there are candy kiosks - just in case you missed your favorite and need a little something for the walk to your car. See below.

Dubai is serious about their sweets. They mean business and there is no loss for want. The Sheik is concerned for the overall health of his people, especially the children getting heavy, gaining weight and a few health initiative have been established but that has not stopped new stores from opening and more candy kiosks from popping up all over. While Taeler has been in Dubai, she as been astonished at the number of chocolate shops, pastry stores and the overall variety of sweets. It is both amazing and glutenous at the same time, but oh, so yummy. Some of the best sweets and pastries I have eaten in my life, have been in Dubai. One thing is certain, they do it right.

I guess that all we need to know was summed up by the Indian store owner in Bur Dubai...buy more !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie! I enjoyed reading your blogs - very entertaining. Are you going to visit Dubai again? If you are, I'd really recommend Circle Cafe's cakes! Just as delicious as they look - http://circle-cafe.com/?p=home/desserts
