Sunday, March 25, 2012

How the Weekends Work in Dubai, Call to Prayer and Hyper Panda

In the United Arab Emirates, the work week is Sunday through Thursday. The Prayer Day/ Day of Assembly is held on Friday, with Saturday being the last day of the weekend. Because the UAE is a Muslim country all non Muslims attend their worship services on Friday as well. It has taken a little getting used to but I think Jeff and I have finally adapted to the weekend change and even kind of like it. Every day of the week, not just on Friday's prayer day, there is a call to prayer that is broadcast throughout the city from atop the beautiful Mosque's five times a day. There are a lot Mosques and they seem to be located within a mile of one another all over Dubai. No matter where you are at in the city, you can here the call to prayer. Almost daily, I am awakened by the first call to prayer of the day, which is broadcast before dawn. I really don't mind the early wake up call, actually getting used to it. The others are done at mid day, late afternoon, sunset, with the last call to prayer being broadcast in the evening. These specific times are published everyday in the local newspaper and they change daily, based on when the sun rises and sets. The call to prayer broadcasts last a few minutes each time - they are engaging and intriguing. I have grown to admire the faith of the men that attend these mandatory prayers in person at the mosques or prayer rooms five times daily and are impressed with their devotion.
On Saturday, the last day of the weekend, it is off to the stores to shop. Even though people have shopped during the week and probably every other day leading up to Saturday, there is a mad dash to the countless stores or malls in Dubai. It is like all 1.8 million of us in Dubai are beckoned to the stores and we cannot stay away. We come in hoards!  Did you notice I said "we"? Jeff and I are always there, adding to the crowd like everyone else.
There are several "biggie" department stores in Dubai that remind me of Walmart or Target in the States and people flock to them like flies. Carrefour seems to be the most popular, but other stores  are in a close race for second runner up... Hyper Panda, Lulu's Hypermarket and Ge ant's. At night, these stores are all a blaze in bright colored lights. You can see the stores from miles away.
The picture below is of Lulu's Hypermarket, which is located close to the Mall of the Emirates. Isn't it pretty and vibrant!
These stores have just about everything a person could need or want, from washing machines, food items that you would never think of and of course, shisha or hookah pipes (a water smoking pipe). And the names of the stores are not only cute but perplexing - Hyper Panda ? ! Jeff and I tried figuring that one out for an an hour and still went away stumped. We just don't get it, Hyper Panda for a department store?
The stores have employed so many little helpers you cannot make a move with out one of them asking, "hi ma'am, can I help you" and they add to the already incredibly crowded stores, but their customer service is over the top and they are ready to help or assist at every turn or question. I am impressed at the friendliness of the employees. If any of them are having a bad day you would never know it. We can all learn something from them. The stores also employ a few people to staple the bags shut that you happen to bring in from other stores. Yes, that is all they do is staple the bags shut and they are quite good at it. Like I have mentioned before, everyone  has a job, no matter big or small.
But more than anything else, I love the crowds of people. Where else in the world would you find such a diverse mix of nationalities and languages. Everyone has there own story as to why they are here, in Dubai. It is exhilarating to be included in that mix.
My recommendation though, (which I should listen to) avoid the stores on Saturdays - do something else. You would think we would learn our lesson after one exasperating experience of Saturday shopping and trying to find a parking spot, but no... 
It is Saturday night, the weekend is over and we survived another day of shopping. The last call to prayer is being broadcast as we leave Lulu's Hypermarket and it is comforting. People are everywhere, walking, driving, carrying bags or pushing shopping carts. Languages from all over the world are being spoken around me, horns are honking, kids are running around, the smell of spice and salt water is in the air - the city of Dubai is all a buzz.

The work week starts all over again tomorrow.

Next Saturday, I make a solemn promise to not go to one of these overcrowded department stores or malls. I will stay away, no matter how hard the temptation may be.
Two less people will not be shopping next Saturday, do you think we will be missed?
I don't know if I can do it and stay away, but will try.

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